You can send e-mails to parents and personal using communication portal. To switch you need to klick these three points in the upper right corner.

Step 1
Select “Broadcast” in menu and fill all required fields.
“Broadcast” can be used by administrators and educators.

In the below table you can see where information can be published:
| Emails sent | Recipients | Size of attachments |
Timeline | No | Parents of enrolled members and/or educators | Limited by capacities of your account |
Email and Timeline | Yes | Parents of enrolled members and/or educators | Up to 8 MB |
Yes | Parents of enrolled members and/or educators | Up to 8 MB |
In order to receive email groups members should have a status “Active” and to is enrolled in the group.
Choosing option Timeline system allows you to send your message in 3 different forms:
a) Only notification
b) Abbreviated message
c) Complete message

Choosing option “Email” allows you to target audience with different statuses regardless their group membership.
For example: during the summer holidays, when children are NOT enrolled in the groups, you can still send information them information by choosing status “Enrolled” and date in the PAST.
System will find all enrolled and active members of the group for this period and send the required information.
If, in meantime, member the member's status has been changed to “Inactive”, no information will be sent to corresponding emails.

By entering different statuses you can target different recipients.

Step 2
Select groups you would like to target. No need to prepare a mailing list.
You also have an option “Select all”. This will allow you to make an announcement to all members of your organization.
Step 3
Enter a subject and draft your message.
We recommend you to prepare your message in advance and check the spelling.
After you click send, a recapitulation will be shown in a pop-up window where you can find all information regarding your mailing. Click "Yes" to send.

Step 4
Check the result in menu “History”.
Users with a role “Administrator” can view the entire history of all mails sent.

That is all!
If you have any questions regarding “Broadcast”, please contact us at