Save up to 50% of your time on administration, communication and planning.
Personal accounts
All users: parents, educators and administration have their personal secure accounts. Keep personal data the most safe and secure.

Presence / Absence
Your staff can log absence or presence information and after generate beautiful and structured reports. In the same time, parents are able to communicate a child’s absence. Educators in charge will immediately be informed.

Menu management
You can add a variety of meals to kids.cloud. Once created the meals could be reused any time in the future. Customise the pictures, add allergens and program daily or weekly plans. Your staff can rate children’s progress and print personalised PDF reports for displaying in the room.

Organised groups structure
You can create as many groups as you need. You will be also able to see the amount of children in each group, prescription, educators, etc.

This feature allows you to plan and manage groups occupancy. Have a full overview of occupied or available places on a particular day or even on a particular time slot. Get an overview of all enrolled children and your waiting list. Look into the future or the past: kids.cloud let you enrolld a child in a few groups, one now - other in the future, which gives you more accuracy in your planning.

Online payments
Let parents pay with credit card, Apple Pay or Google pay. Register all transactions directly to kids.cloud payment journal.

Cloud based
kids.cloud is a cloud solution that allows you to connect from office, home and even from being on holidays. You can get connected with all types of devices: PC, tablets and mobile phones. A modern web browser is all you need.

Data protection
Using kids.cloud helps you being compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Essential reports
You can run important reports (children’s data, presence/absence, working time) in PFD or Excel format. Facilities located in Luxembourg can benefit of fire list and childcare service vouchers (chèque service).

Automated hand overs
All essential information like health conditions, food, sleeping time and diaper change can be logged to kids.cloud with a few clicks for each child. Add data and share it with parents.

Allergen tracking
No more manual allergen tracking. While uploading the ingredients of your meal check the allergens. In the same time if a child has a known allergy it can be recorded in his personal account. Once the match is found your personnels will see an alert.

Online enrolments
Parents do the work by filling the form and you only accept children to the group. All data is immediately stored in the system. No need to type or rewrite names and addresses. The automated e-mails are integrated into this function.

Working time management
Define daily conditions of working plans, log time and attendance. Educators can record their working hours directly via their mobile phones connected to Internet. You can easily collect work records of overtime and leave time. Get the entire overview in the cloud an in PDF reports.

Full contact data base
You have the entire overview of all your groups, classes, schedules, children, parents, and staff. Each member has a separate account where you can store information, attached document, past and current enrolments.

You are connected to both: parents and educators. kids.cloud keeps the updated information of groups and allow to send announcement to one group or the entire school.

Publishing pictures or videos
You have the opportunity to create instant information about activities and routines of the children. Parents can be notified by e-mail on new information published in the timeline.

Emergency contacts always at hand
In case of an emergency, your staff have immediate access to the relevant parents' details.

Choose a right plan for your nursery:
Choosing the right plan for your nursery or kindergarden helps you to save time and resources.
What to consider? Just think on number of children enrolled into your facility.
Inactive children, employees or parents are not taken into consideration.
Focus on number of enrolled children.

Children: max. 20
Administrators: unlimited
Educators: unlimited
Parents: unlimited
€ 39 / month
1,5 GB storage
Administrator portal
Educator portal
Parent portal
Document upload
Automated hand over
Online inscription
Mass mailing
Presence/Absence registration
Menu management
1 free online training
Support at: support@kids.cloud
Additional features
€ 20 / month
Working time management
€ 5 / month
Online payment
€ 20 / month
5 GB of extra storage

Children: max. 50
Administrators: unlimited
Educators: unlimited
Parents: unlimited
€ 59 / month
3,0 GB storage
Administrator portal
Educator portal
Parent portal
Document upload
Automated hand over
Online inscription
Mass mailing
Presence /Absence registration
Menu management
1 free online training
Support at: support@kids.cloud
Additional features
€ 20 / month
Working time management
€ 5 / month
Online payment
€ 20 / month
5 GB of extra storage

Children: max. 100
Administrators: unlimited
Educators: unlimited
Parents: unlimited
€ 99 / month
5,0 GB storage
Administrator portal
Educator portal
Parent portal
Document upload
Automated hand over
Online inscription
Mass mailing
Presence /Absence registration
Menu management
1 free online training
Support at: support@kids.cloud
Additional features
€ 20 / month
Working time management
€ 5 / month
Online payment
€ 20 / month
5 GB of extra storage
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